bob mason (actor) in Chinese
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- mason
- n. 梅森〔姓氏,男子名〕。 n. 石匠;(中世纪的)工匠工会会员;〔M-〕共济会(会员)。 vt. 用石或砖修建。
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- actor
- n. 1.男演员。 2.行动者,行为者。 3.原告。 4.【化学】原动质。 短语和例子 a bad actor 〔美国〕坏蛋 (He's a bad actor when he's drunk. 他喝醉时,行为不检点)。
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- the actor
- 角色; 演员; 作戏的人
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- bob
- n. 1.(女人、小孩的)短发;束发;髻;卷毛,卷毛假发;(马等)截短的尾巴。 2.诗节落尾的叠句,歌曲的短叠句。 vt. (-bb-) 截短,剪短(发、尾等)。 They bobbed their hair to be in style. 她们剪了赶时髦的短发式。 wear one's hair bobbed 剪短发。 n. 1.【物理学】摆锤,秤锤(等);(...
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- bob in
- 走进, 进入
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- bob into
- 走进, 进入
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- aldric mason
- 奥德瑞克-梅森/《新兵奥德瑞克-梅森》
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- anthony mason
- 安东尼.梅森; 安东尼・梅森; 安东尼梅森; 以自由球员转自太阳队,梅森; 转至热火队,梅森
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What is the meaning of bob mason (actor) in Chinese and how to say bob mason (actor) in Chinese? bob mason (actor) Chinese meaning, bob mason (actor)的中文,bob mason (actor)的中文,bob mason (actor)的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by